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Praesent lacinia, arcu at egestas ultrices, lacus enim cursus enim, et iaculis neque erat nec libero. Nunc euismod, ipsum tincidunt tincidunt ultrices, ligula neque feugiat diam, quis vulputate est justo ut arcu. Nulla magna eros, laoreet id elit vehicula, sodales bibendum risus. Mauris justo dolor, mattis ut volutpat sit amet, tempor eu mauris. Sed ipsum nibh, placerat ut dui a, aliquam faucibus ligula. In venenatis orci nisl, sit amet congue felis semper id. Pellentesque quis augue vel dui posuere euismod.


Sex worker orgs:


Maggie's Toronto Sex Workers'Action Project / 526 Richmond Street East, 1st Floor (Shared office space with PASAN).

Run for and by sex workers. Information, support, free condoms and other harm reduction supplies. Check website for office hours and programing.


Migrant Sex Worker Project

A grassroots group of migrants, sex workers, and allies who demand safety and dignity for all sex workers regardless of immigration status. They are creating tools that migrant sex workers can use to protect themselves against human rights violations, educating the public about the dangers of anti-trafficking and advocating to change policies that hurt and exploit migrants in the sex trade.



Butterfly was formed by sex workers, social workers, legal and health professionals. It provides support to, and advocates for, the rights of Asian and migrant sex workers. The organization is founded upon the belief that sex workers are entitled to respect and basic human rights. Butterfly asserts that, regardless of their immigration status, Asian and migrant sex workers should be treated like all other workers.


Please check back soon for more resources!